Will You Marry Me?

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As a young girl, this question is one we think of, dream of, and often anticipate with eagerness as our youth turns forward each year. In America, especially if you were raised in the 80’s & 90’s, scenes of Prince Charming whisking his princess off to a land far, far away to live ‘happily ever after’ were embedded into our minds and our futuristic thinking. 

Most girls my age (I’m 38 as I type this) dreamt of what their proposal would look like, the details of their wedding and the ‘happily ever after’ awaiting them on the other side of ‘I do.’

But what most of us didn’t factor in was the human element. A fantasy was presented to us and we fell in love with an idea. In the end, most of the women I know have walked out some form of disappointment within their marital relationships.

And often times what’s missing isn’t the perfect scene, the perfect ring or the perfect man, what’s missing more often than not is RELATIONSHIP.

And I don’t mean a relationship with your spouse or boyfriend. 

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I mean a relationship with the Father who Created you. Who designed you. And who gave His son to the world for you.

Yes, YOU.

He gave his one and only son over to this world for YOU.

It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? A Father, who created everything under the sun, and above, allowed His one and only son to be sacrificed, ridiculed, persecuted & tortured because of His love for you.

But it’s true. 

And it’s written in His Word. 

And He’s only asking that you seek Him…”seek my face and you shall find it.”

He’s right there, in front of you, down on one knee asking: WILL YOU MARRY ME?

When we talk about the Father’s love in this way, I’m not referring to the type of love you know on earth. This isn’t the love you have with your husband, your boyfriend or your friend. 

This is a love which surpasses ALL of your understanding and works in the most mysterious ways.

It’s a love which shows up CONSISTENTLY and NEVER lets you down.

It’s a love you can turn to in the midst of ANY storm and find comfort. 

It’s a love you can lean on, depend on and trust.

It’s a love which will NEVER return to you void.

And it’s a love which will NEVER forsake you. No matter how far you’ve strayed.

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Life is going to serve up closed doors, failed relationships and faulty love.

But when we learn to step into an intimate relationship with Jesus, when we turn to Him and the Father to meet every single one of our needs, wants & desires, our ability to be intimate with others opens up to a deeper level.

That disappointed bride no longer looks to her partner to meet her needs but instead turns to her Creator. The one who designed her every facet of being. 

She leans on Him for comfort, counsel and guidance. She turns to Him for provision. And she seeks His wisdom when making decisions.

She takes the weight off her partner and places it on the one who can bare it. 

She fills up her ‘love tank’ with the Holy Spirit and pours it out over her helpmate.

She looks up to the sky to see His image and knows she’s loved beyond all measure. 

She depends on her lover to meet her every need.

“Who is that girl, arising from the desert, clinging to her beloved.” Song of Songs 8:5

She’s the girl who married Jesus. Who made Him her bridegroom. And who seeks His intimacy above all others.

She the girl who’s ready to find her helpmate. 

And the one who walks through the world healed from all of its scars.

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If you’ve found yourself in a season where this speaks to you, take time. Time to be in His presence. To walk through the wilderness He’s calling you to. And to cultivate a relationship with the one who will meet every single one of your needs. 

He’s right there, waiting for you, down on one knee waiting for you to turn to Him. 

Will you marry Him?

From His heart to mine to yours,


If you’re ‘looking to get lost in a good way,’ check out Big Bend Cabin in Terilingua, TX: www.bigbendcabin.com

Photos taken at Big Bend Cabin in Terilingua, TX.

Amanda Mercer

In any given moment, beauty exists. Photography strives to tell the story of that beauty and illuminate the gift of the present. With a passion for humanity and a nerve to conquer irrational fear, Walk the Line Photography was born. On that day, I began to write the story I always wanted to live. Welcome to my womb.