— HIS Warriors —

Become a brand ambassador for HISco!


Seeking a community of Christ-centered Brothers & Sisters? Looking for a different stream of revenue for your family?

HIS WARRIORS are a community of believers seeking to advance HIS Kingdom by spreading the good news through apparel & fellowship.


Seed Planting

Once you sign up to become a Warrior, you will receive a unique discount code. Anytime someone uses your code while checking out in online HisCo Store, their savings is redirected back into your pocket book!

It’s a way to earn revenue for yourself and for your family while also spreading the Gospel.

Whether you’re an experienced influencer just starting out or simply have a large network of friends & family who’d love to shop, we welcome ALL of God’s children as Warriors and will help coach you on ideas & tips for how to best market the brand.


Our heart is to create a Christ-centered community.

Whether we are meeting in person or talking online, we want you to know & feel you are part of a community when you join the HIS CO team of WARRIORS!

Our meet-ups are a time for fellowship, a time to serve and a time to collaborate with other businesses & ministries. They are a time to draw closer to one another while also serving a greater purpose.

And don’t worry if you’re out of town. We’re thinking of you too & offer opportunity to connect with our Warriors no matter where they may be in this world.

Ready to get started? Email info@hiscollectionapparel.com.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
— Proverbs 27:17